Beautiful flower bouquets are amazing presents for any event - from birthday parties or baby showers to weddings or anniversaries. Flowers bring smiles and happiness to any person who is giving them or getting them. It is a sign to show your love and respect or an easy and ideal way to make someone happy. But on the other hand…. people muse about how to keep flowers fresh after buying or how to make fresh flowers last longer. Don’t worry, Art Flowers LA will answer all of your questions.
If you received a beautiful bouquet of flowers for your birthday or wedding anniversary, or if you purchased one for yourself, the big question is how to take care of a bouquet of flowers. Firstly, take a clean, beautiful vase and fill it with room temperature water. It’s important to put flower food in the water and mix it. It will help to keep fresh flowers from dying. If you don’t have powder to feed them, don’t worry, you can always use bleach, sugar, and lemon juice instead. The ingredients are simple: 1 teaspoon bleach, 1 teaspoon sugar, and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Combine it with one-quarter cup of water and stir it with the water in the vase.

The next step is taking care of your gorgeous bouquet. Take the flowers and remove the wrap from them. Cut them diagonally minimum 1 inch from the bottom. It always depends on the vase size, but you can cut more if the vase is low or less for a tall vase. No matter the vase size, always cut them diagonally because it helps the blooms to soak in enough water. Then remove all the leaves from the stems that will be in the water to keep the water clean and prolong the life of the floral arrangement. After all of these steps, place them in a vase.

Now choose a perfect spot for them.

Do not put a bouquet in the direct sun, under air conditioning, or near the heater, select a cool enough spot but not far away from your eyes so you can enjoy them. It will take around 1 day for the flowers to acclimatize to the blooms.

Change water every 2 or 3 days, if your flowers drink a lot between these days, just add water in the vase to keep a flower bouquet fresh in a vase to prevent it from drying and dying. Also, if you notice that some petals or leaves are wilting or getting dry, get rid of them by gently removing them. Don’t forget to cut the stems every time you change the water.
Flower Bouquet Care Tips
Art Flowers LA has several secret tips on how to keep cut fresh flowers alive longer not only by changing them or cutting them:
1. Never place flower arrangements near a fruit bowl; we know it looks beautiful and stylish together, for example, on a kitchen counter, but fruits emit gasses that cause flowers to wilt faster.
2. Always try to select the correct vase size because a vase that is too narrow will squish the stems inside and damage them.
3. One more important tip is putting the flowers in a fridge for nighttime. If you don’t have enough room in your refrigerator but want to keep the flowers fresh overnight, you could place them outside, if it’s not too hot, to cool down and relax the flowers under the moonlight.
Following all the rules of how to keep flower arrangements fresh will help the blooms last longer but don’t forget that every type of flower has its own last longing in a vase. For instance, hydrangeas, carnations and chrysanthemums last around ten days and longer in a vase and peonies and daisies are only 3-7 days depending on quality.
Now you know what keeps flowers fresh and you can always order them on our website or call us (310) 817-0605 to place an order. We have a complimentary free delivery up to 4 miles from our beautiful flower shop that is located at 1484 S Robertson Blvd, LA, CA, 90035.