Art Flowers Los Angeles has a full spectrum of flowers for any occasion that you may want to congratulate someone such as a promotion, a birthday, a newborn baby, an anniversary, a new job or a new home. We have flower arrangements, eternal roses, flower heart boxes with macaroons, and interior plants like orchids and succulents to celebrate.
The most common flowers for any and all occasions are roses. You could pick any color, for example, red for your lover, or white and pink for your mother. If you think it’s just a simple flower, we would say no, roses have so many types like garden roses or heart shaped roses. Garden roses have large buttons with a gorgeous center inside it and sometimes it could be another color or tone. Heart shaped roses have hearts formed by their petals in the middle of flowers, if you want to amaze your loved ones, pick them, especially in red color they look the most stunning and rare.
Roses are the classic, of course, but there are so many popular seasonal blooms like tulips, peonies and lilacs. You could choose any of them in mono bouquets or mixed bouquets to make your loved ones happy.
The most popular colors of bouquets to choose – soft pink pastel. It suits any age – young or old. It’s neutral and fits any occasion! It’s also a safe choice if you don’t know what color to choose. You could also choose vibrant colors – purple, spring colors or whichever you prefer more.
If you want to congratulate someone and you want your flowers to last longer than 1 week, you can always present a plant like an orchid in a pot, succulents, or even an eternal rose that lasts almost two years!
There are so many occasions and you have lots of varieties to find the perfect flowers to say congratulations!
Congratulations Flowers Delivery
You can order a congratulations flower bouquet through our website or call us (310) 817-0605. You are also welcome to come to our flower shop 1484 S Robertson Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, 90035. And remember we have free flower delivery up to 4 miles from our shop.